Thursday 5 January 2012

Bay of Islands (last port and day aboard)

Our last day on board in the Bay of Islands.   The ‘Celebrity Today” forecast was showers again, but even so we want to get up early for breakfast and be on deck as we sailed in.

So we work at 6.30am and pulled back the curtains to reveal a wonderful sunny sky with hardly any clouds.   We were still some way off, so we decided to have our last breakfast in the MDR.   This time we got to the restaurant, and it was still closed, so we had a little wander out on deck while we waited the few minutes until it opened at 7am.

Again we were the first into the dining room, and we were given a table for two near the entrance but so we could see out the window.   It was very quiet and all the waiters were ‘waiting’ for passengers!    

Were finished and out of deck by 7.30am.   We went straight up to Deck 12 (above the pool) and although slightly chilly it was the most spectacular morning.     There were fishing boats and yachts everywhere, just beautiful.     Pete even spotted a pod of dolphins.    We stayed up there for quite sometime as tendering was not due to start until 10am.

Being a tender port, we were not able to go ashore, so this morning we opted for massages in AquaSpa!!!   Another indulgence.   My massage was for 10.15am – a 75 minute shoulders, back and legs massage.   Pete the 55 minute hot stone massage.   I have to admit I was nearly asleep during the last part of the treatment!       By the time we finished it was nearly mid day.

The Staff advised we should stay out of the sun and drink plenty of water.  I felt a little light headed after the massage so we went back to the cabin and started packing.    That was quite easy really, one suitcase full of dirty clothes and the two bottles of water (doesn’t matter if they break!!) and everything else in the other bags.   The wine, duty free rum and the last days clothes and toilet bag in the carry-off bag.  Easy.

Our last lunch was in the Buffet – self serve pasta again, so yummy.   I had to have a huge helping of shrimps!

It is a day of ‘lasts’.  A nice coffee was in order and I have a lot of Blogging to catch up on so we hear Cova Café calling.    I was virtually the only one there for a couple of hours.  I had a latte and then Lara gave me iced water after that (by orders of the spa treatment).  Meanwhile Pete was wandering the ship taking photos and chatting to people.

It was such a beautiful afternoon having a beer and wine on Sunset Deck was a must.   Sitting under the Sail Shades was most pleasant.     We have a busy evening ahead, so we will miss our usual Sailaway on the aft deck with everyone.

I suddenly realised I hadn’t told a couple of people of the dinner time for our Post Cruise Dinner we had arranged.  So we scooted off to the cabin to get write notes for Amy and Larry, and Stuart and family, which we then dropped off to their cabins.   On route to Stuart’s cabin we came across a flurry of activity by a number of cabin attendants, which necessitated us stopping as mattresses were being moved and a large amount of linen.   When we finally able to proceed we went past a cabin with a terrible stench!   Someone had been dreadfully ill.    The smell was right along quite a bit of the passage.   Simply awful for all the crew and passengers in the area.

As we were about to drop of Stuart’s note he arrived – Annemarie was dropping the girls at the Fun Factory after being ashore for the day.    The girls absolutely love the Fun Factory, which leaves Stuart and Annemarie to enjoy time together, including dinner.

We had arranged to have our last dinner with David and Chris in Select Dining and to meet with them in the
Rendezvous Square
at 6.45pm.    So off back to the cabin to change this time, as once we were underway we had some shopping to do for Fiona, and a photo frame to exchange as the one we had got the night before had a mark on it.

By now it was time to go for our last pre-dinner drink, so we got to the bar a little early.  Chris and John (more CCer’s) joined us as well and of course David and Chris just after 6.45pm.  

Our last dinner we were served by Raymond in the dining room – we couldn’t get Jimmy unfortunately, however Raymond was fine, as he was by now a lot more relaxed and friendly.   We had a most enjoyable dinner with David and Chris, who are from Philadelphia.    David works for the ‘Food in School’ Programme we had quite a discussion on the differences between how America and New Zealand schools, taxes etc work.   

Dinner finished at 9pm, just in time for the final Show – Danny Elliot and Ben – the pianist.  It was probably one of the better shows.   They are both very talented.

Once the show was over and of course we were now ‘back at sea’ the shops were now open.  Time for the last minute shopping, as I needed to get the product Fiona wanted.   We only managed to get one, which was a pity as the stock was slightly different, but still it was a savings for her.

We couldn’t resist one last look in the Jewellery Shop, and as luck would have it I spotted some lovely earrings – 50% off which had not been on display before as they were new stock.    Pete relented and I tried on two pairs and the second were perfect!!  Of course this meant Pete could now look at watches, and again new stock and Pete found a very nice Citizen Eco Drive Watch, which was 40% off and a very reasonable price too!

So now our final bill was somewhat more than we anticipated – but aren’t most holiday bills.

Just as we were leaving we meet Rosemary who had tracked us down, as she had received a second set of menus, and wondered if I wanted them.   I declined as I had enough paper work collected to ‘sink a ship’.    She was about to head back to the cabins and pack, and she had 3 sons to pack for as well!   Rosemary was quite thrilled to show us that her youngest son, Scott (10), who had been helping the waiters in the MDR during meals, had received an envelope with a tip!!  Scott had a lot of fun helping them.

Off to bed now at it was closing on 11pm, when we should have had our bags out for collection!   A made flurry of activity for do the final pack and check all was in order.  The bags were out by 11.15am.    I have no idea what time Rosemary would have finished, with two cabins to pack…

1 comment:

  1. Hey Margaret - yep, the cabin packing x 2 was a real drag!!! I think we got out bags out around midnight or so having done the boys' cabin first - probably why we missed having a good look for Scott's camera! Packing on the last night is such an anti-climax after being away on such a fantastic trip. One other "mistake" we made (although I should have known better) is that because the boys' still had their toiletries bags in their cabin, these then became part of our carry on luggage on the plane. Of course there were some bottles etc. that were more than 200ml so it was disappointing to see so many products being dumped into the yellow bin at Auckland airport by the rather narky Customs officials!!!! Hard lesson to learn unfortunately.
